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77 posts
The Science of Sewing Machines
Delve into the often-overlooked mechanics behind sewing machines and unravel the ingenuity that transformed the laborious task of…
December 8, 2023
The Science of Night-Vision Goggles
From active illumination to image intensification, these goggles amplify existing light to provide a clear and detailed view…
December 2, 2023
What Makes Us Truly Happy (According to Science)
The Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the longest-running studies on happiness, has found two key factors…
December 1, 2023
Issues With “Sensationalist” Science
In December 2022, the a reputable science journal published a cover story about a holographic wormhole created inside…
November 17, 2023
There’s More to Parallel Lines Than Meets the Eye.
Euclid aimed to complete the arduous task of compiling all they knew of mathematics at the time. The…
November 11, 2023
This Man Held His Breath For 17 Minutes.
There’s a science to the skillful way both free divers and performers alike manage to hold their breath…
October 28, 2023
We’ve Come So Close to Annihiliating Ourselves—Multiple Times
Physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer helmed research that would end a world war; unfortunately, what he found would forever…
October 7, 2023
Should We Bring Airships Back?
Photos of airships have long been remebered as black-and-white images from decades past, showing what the people back…
September 23, 2023
Here’s a Video About Knots. (No, Really!)
You might be surprised to know that studying knots go beyond just getting your shoelaces tied just right;…
September 22, 2023
Should We Really Follow IQ Measurements?
All our lives we’ve been exposed to the concept of IQ, or an “intelligence quotient”; the measure is…
September 10, 2023