Scientists have discovered vast, dense zones deep in Earth’s mantle called Large Low-Velocity Provinces (LLVPs). These zones appear to be the remains of ancient tectonic plates that sank over millions of years. These buried slabs influence Earth’s tectonic movements by affecting mantle currents and volcanic activity.
- ancient tectonic plates
- buried tectonic slabs
- deep Earth mysteries
- early planetary collision
- Earth's deep interior
- Earth's inner dynamics
- Earth's mantle structures
- Earth’s deep mantle
- Earth’s unique plate tectonics
- geodynamic processes
- geophysical research
- Large Low-Velocity Provinces
- mantle anomalies
- mantle convection
- mantle currents
- pbs eons
- planetary geology
- plate subduction
- plate tectonics forces
- ridge push
- seismic imaging of mantle
- slab pull
- slab suction
- subterranean geology
- tectonic activity
- volcanic activity triggers
- youtube