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Future Crops Might Soon See Fertilizers Replaced By Bioengineered Bacteria

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) announced earlier this year that researchers from Washington State University (WSU) successfully engineered strains of the nitrogen (N)-fixing soil bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii, which enabled these microorganisms to produce ammonia (NH3) in pretty high concentrations, and in essence giving us a way to possibly replace the use of fertilizers in the future entirely.

Part of the goal of the research team was to understand the intricacies surrounding nitrogen fixation, or the process in which organic compounds collect nitrogen as part of what’s known as the nitrogen cycle in nature.

Nitrogen cycles can take several pathways through different parts of an ecosystem, as is the case with the sample above detailing possible nitrogen cycle pathways through a mangrove forest. (Shiau/Chiu, 2020)

“Our work helps provide a more complete, fundamental understanding of the factors that underpin gene expression in a model [nitrogen-fixing] microorganism and defines the biochemistry that brings about ammonia excretion in A. vinelandii,” added WSU Institute of Biological Chemistry assistant research professor Dr. Florence Mus, who led the work now published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

To do so, Dr. Mus and the research team made use of gene editing techniques to impart ammonia production to A. vinelandii at constant levels “regardless of environmental conditions surrounding the bacteria,” according to the aforementioned ASM press release. A. vinelandii was already known to be capable of converting nitrogen into ammonia, which made them the ideal testbed for what could be the future of crop fertilizers.

Fertilizers remain in use worldwide as an effective way of boosting plant productivity and generally supporting the agricultural market; its usage, however, has drawbacks, one of which being water pollution produced by excess fertilizer washed off soils by water. The research by Dr. Mus and co-researchers hope to curb excess fertilizer levels using their bioengineered bacteria. (Wikimedia Commons, 2021)

Testing the results of the experiment involved adding the bioengineered bacteria to soils where rice plants were grown. Further analyses of the surrounding plants revealed that they were indeed taking up the ammonia produced by the A. vinelandii surrounding them—a remarkable feat that illuminates tantalizing opportunities for the future of agriculture.

All in all, the result was a batch of bioengineered bacteria that were capable of excreting ammonia at a high enough concentration to fertilize rice plants. “We presented conclusive evidence that ammonia released is transferred to the rice plants,” added Mus. “Our unique approach aims to provide new solutions to the challenge of replacing industrial fertilizers with custom-made bacteria.”

Rice plants in agricultural industries stand to benefit the most from this novel research, as further research into the bacteria may prove to become a more sustainable option compared to regular fertilizers. (Camalich, 2020)

Dr. Mus and the team hope that their research can reduce water pollution levels in the ocean, which are in part due to excess nitrogen-based fertilizers getting washed off plants and into waterways. Part of their efforts working towards this quest is designing future iterations of bacteria with varying rates of ammonia production, which they hope can help limit excess ammonia production for agriculture.

“Successful widespread adoption of these biofertilizers for farming would reduce pollution, provide sustainable ways of managing the nitrogen cycle in soil, lower production costs and increase profit margins for farmers and enhance sustainable food production by improving soil fertility,” said Dr. Mus.


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