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Breakthrough Study Unveils Potential of “Magnonic” Computing

Breakthrough Study Unveils Potential of “Magnonic” Computing

At a Glance

  • Magnons, which are ripples in magnetic fields, hold the potential to revolutionize computing as a fundamental mechanism comparable to electricity in conventional digital technologies.
  • Recent studies have made significant progress in understanding and manipulating magnons, pushing the system out of equilibrium and paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries in magnonic computers.
  • The collaboration between researchers from UCLA, MIT, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Tokyo in Japan, supported by government and private grantors, has been instrumental in advancing magnon research.
  • Advanced terahertz lasers have played a crucial role in the research, offering a unique approach to studying magnetic fields and potentially enabling the development of ultrafast computer memory.
  • The application of laser pulses to a carefully chosen alloy plate has allowed researchers to drive and measure the interactions between different magnon modes, demonstrating the potential for nonlinear magnon-magnon mixing and its implications for high-speed information transport and processing devices.

The future of computing may be revolutionized by using magnons, which are ripples in magnetic fields, as a fundamental mechanism. Comparable to electricity in conventional digital technologies, magnonic systems are anticipated to offer significantly faster speeds than current technologies, potentially impacting devices ranging from laptops and smartphones to telecommunications. Moreover, in the realm of quantum computing, magnonics could not only enhance processing speeds but also contribute to the development of more stable devices.

A recent study published in Nature Physics has unveiled a significant step towards realizing magnonic computers. Researchers conducted experiments on a thin alloy plate, inducing two distinct types of ripples in the magnetic field and observing their nonlinear interactions. This “nonlinear” behavior, where the output is not directly proportional to the input, is essential for potential computing applications.

Traditionally, research in this area has focused on studying one type of magnon at a time under stable conditions, known as equilibrium. However, recent studies have ventured into manipulating magnons, pushing the system out of equilibrium, and paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries.

The project, supported by government and private grantors, involves a collaboration between researchers from UCLA, MIT, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Tokyo. Advanced terahertz lasers have been instrumental in this research, offering a unique approach to studying magnetic fields and potentially enabling the development of ultrafast computer memory.

The application of laser pulses to a carefully chosen alloy plate has allowed researchers to drive and measure the interactions between different magnon modes, demonstrating the potential for nonlinear magnon-magnon mixing. This breakthrough holds promise for developing high-speed information transport and processing devices based on magnons.

In summary, the recent advancements in magnon research represent a significant leap towards realizing magnonic computers, offering a glimpse into the future of computing technology and its potential impact on various fields.


  • California Nanosystems Institute. (2024, February 7). Researchers measure and control interactions between magnetic ripples using lasers. EurekAlert!; California Nanosystems Institute.
  • Zhang, Z., Gao, F. Y., Curtis, J. B., Liu, Z.-J., Chien, Y.-C., von Hoegen, A., Wong, M. T., Kurihara, T., Suemoto, T., Narang, P., Baldini, E., & Nelson, K. A. (2024). Terahertz field-induced nonlinear coupling of two magnon modes in an antiferromagnet. Nature Physics, 1–6.
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