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Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education

Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education

Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education


2374-6254 (Online)

2374-6246 (Print)

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The Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education (JAESE) publishes refereed papers that significantly contribute to the scholarly understanding of cutting edge issues across science education. Using a wide range of systematic education research methods including statistical analysis, qualitative inquiry, analytical work, case studies, field research and historical analysis, articles examine significant science education research questions from a broad range of perspectives.

JAESE is an internationally cited, open access journal that is essential reading for academic education researchers and education professionals. Articles may include but are not limited to any contemporary, cutting edge issue describing systematic education research and teaching innovations across the broadly defined Earth & space sciences education, including the disciplines of astronomy, climatology, energy resource science, environmental science, geology, meteorology, planetary sciences, and oceanography.

Indexing and Distribution

Journal of Astrology & Earth Sciences Education is indexed and distributed in the following journals and libraries:

  • Web of Science Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • ABI Inform
  • Directory of Research Journals Indexing
  • Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
  • Google Scholar
  • J-Gate
  • ProQuest
  • Ulrich’s Periodicals

JAESE Editorial Board

The Journal of Astronomy and Earth Science Education is created with the input of experts in the fields of Teaching and Pedagogy for Astronomy and Earth Sciences.

Alfred Tan, Singapore University, Singapore
Bram Boroson, Clayton State University, USA
C. Renee James, Sam Houston State University, USA
Casey E. Davenport, UNC Charlotte, USA
Christopher Palma, Penn State University, USA
Christopher Sirola, University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Cinzia Cervato, Iowa State University, USA
David Gosselin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Dr Matthew R Ganis, Pace University, USA
Dr. Urban Eriksson, Kristianstad University, Sweden
Elizabeth Lewis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Faruk Soydugan, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey
Georgia Bracey, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA
Greg Bartus, World Science Festival, USA
Hasan Zühtü Okulu, Research Assistant, Turkey
Jacob Noel-Storr, InsightSTEM, USA
Jacqueline Dunn, Midwestern State University, USA
Julia Plummer, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Kaylan Brae Petrie, Washington State University, USA
Kendra Sibbernsen, Metropolitan Community College, USA
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, USA
Kristen Thompson, Davidson College, USA
Lauren Woolsey, Harvard University, USA
Lena Danaia, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Louis Rubbo, Coastal Carolina University, USA
Nicolle Zellner, Albinion University, USA
R S Ajin, Geomatics Division, GeoVin Solutions Pvt. Ltd, India, India
Sarah Katie Guffey, University of Southern Alabama, USA
Shanil Virani, Director, John C. Wells Planetarium, James Madison University, USA
Süleyman Aydin, University of Turkey, TURKEY
W Keith Turner, Link Observatory and Space Science Institute; Carmel Planetarium, USA

Submission and Review Process

  1. To help us streamline the review process, please format the paper according to our guidelines. The guidelines can be found here (linked here). 
  2. ​​​​​​Please review our Ethics and Publication Malpractice statement.
  3. Email your paper to
  4. The initial double-blind review will be completed within 45 days.
  5. If revisions are requested, then they must be made within the timeframe specified by the reviewers.
  6. If the paper is accepted, then it will be put in production and you will be notified of the approximate publication date.
  7. Questions should be addressed to the appropriate Editor.

Double-blind Peer Review

MSJ is committed to an objective and fair double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts are evaluated solely on their quality and contributions to the literature. The names, affiliations, and details of the authors will be concealed from the reviewers. Likewise, the identities and profiles of the reviewers will not be revealed to the authors. Authors are advised to follow the JAESE submission guidelines (linked here) to facilitate the double-blind review.

Submission Fees

JAESE adapts the principles of Open Access. The journal does not charge any amount for submission but would require accepted papers to pay a small Article Processing Fee of $370 to help sustain the operations of the journal.

Formatting Guidelines

To help us streamline the review process, please format the paper according to our guidelines. The guidelines can be found here

Journal Formatting Guidelines

Further Inquiries

For any inquiry relating to Journal of Astrology & Earth Sciences Education please send an email to